Monday, May 31, 2010

For My Brothers in Arms

For my brothers in arms and those that paid the ultimate price for liberty, you are not forgotten.

It is the Veteran, not the preacher who has given us freedom of religion.
It is the Veteran, not the reporter who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the Veteran, not the poet who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the Veteran, not the community organizer who has given us freedom of assembly.
It is the Veteran, not the lawyer who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is the Veteran, not the politician who has given us the right to vote.
It is the Veteran who salutes the flag.
It is the veteran who serves under the flag.

- Author Unknown
Thanks to my good friend, David Tilley for sending this to me.
Todd Kinsey

Friday, May 28, 2010

Record Number of Attempted Terrorist Attacks

In the wake of the failed Times Square bombing, a report by CNN sites a memo recently released by the Department of Homeland Security that says "the number and pace of attempted attacks against the United States over the past nine months have surpassed the number of attempts during any other previous one-year period."

Fortunately the attacks have all failed but what's disconcerting is the fact that since the election of President Obama, the terrorists feel emboldened enough to carry out these attacks.

His administration won't even admit that radical Islam exists so how can we expect them to take these threats seriously. Recently Eric Holder while being questioned by the House Judiciary Committee refused to even say the words, radical Islam. (see video 4)

The report goes on to say "we have to operate under the premise that other operatives are in country and could advance plotting with little or no warning." Even more troubling is the statement "US Officials lack insights in specific details, timing, and intended targets but trends indicate that terrorists are looking for smaller, more achievable attacks against easily accessible targets."

That's scary stuff. If a terrorist can plant a car bomb in Times Square; is it crazy to think that they can bomb your local shopping mall?

What happened to the great unifier? I thought the seas were supposed to part, everyone would love America, and sing kumbaya once Obama was elected.

Now we're faced with a record number of terrorist attempts and what is the administration doing? As far as I can tell they're repeating the same failed policy that President Clinton tried and that is to treat terrorism as a law enforcement matter. Well I have news for you Mr. President, these people hate America with a blinding passion and could care less about you extending them an olive branch.

They only thing terrorists recognize is power. Whether you liked George Bush or not, the one thing he did is keep the country safe. After 9/11 there were no more attempted attacks on America because President Bush wielded the one thing terrorists understand and fear: POWER.

So we have unprecedented attacks on America, North Korea sinks a South Korean ship, and is on the verge of War. Obama along with the impotent United Nations impose sanctions on Iran and all Ahmadinejad and the Mullah's do is laugh and continue with their nuclear program creating further instability in the most volatile region in the world.

The problem with liberalism is that it's easy to say your going to usher in a new era of diplomacy. It's easy to say you're going to bring peace. It's easy to say that your going to sit down with your enemies and negotiate. The fact of the matter is that our enemies could care less about hollow words. They recognize them for what they are; WEAKNESS.

The bottom line is that our government is supposed to provide for the common defense of its citizens and the Obama administration is failing on all fronts. Our current foreign policy has proven to be completely ineffective. We've had three domestic attacks by radical Muslims on our own soil and the administration won't even acknowledge the problem. Illegals continue to poor across both our borders and all this administration will do is placate the Mexican government and pay lip service to the problem. It is scary to think what will happen if one of the hot spots does turn into a fire.

Remember in November and we'll see you in the trenches...

Todd Kinsey
Leading the conservative revolution

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Congress set to vote on another stimulus bill

Congress has it's sights set on passing yet another stimulus bill this week. This one has been branded as "The American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010" and has a price tag of $174 Billion for the American tax payer.

Never mind that the first stimulus bill did little or no good and that we are repeating the same mistakes of FDR's administration.

FDR's treasury secretary and architect of the "New Deal" Henry Morganthau stated, "I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started and enormous debt to boot."

Sound familiar? Of course it does because President Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi are using the same failed policies. Never mind that this new bill violates the Paygo law that congress passed earlier this year but it also adds another $134 billion to the deficit.

Our national debt has increased to more than $13 trillion which is $118,018.00 per taxpayer. Let's keep in mind only 52% actually pay taxes to support all the benefactors of these stimulus bills.

Couple this with the Financial Reform Bill that Barny Frank and soon to be ousted senator Chris Dodd are about to unveil and our government will control more than 60% of the American economy. Does that sound like America?

In less than two years the socialists will have fundamentally destroyed our country. Remember this in November.

See you in the trenches...

Todd Kinsey
Leading the conservative revolution

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

SEIU & Urge Members to Support Flag Ban

Andy Stern's SEIU labor union and George Soros's have been urging their members to vote for banning the American Flag in schools in a poll conducted by Fox News. It took some digging on the Internet but I was finally able to dig up a twitter post that supports this.

Why would these two ultra liberal, socialist organizations that do nothing but support and promote the Democratic platform want to ban the flag? Could it be that they hate America?
While Andy Stern has resigned as head of the SEIU, he is one of President Obama's top advisers and has visited the white house more than any other person. White house press secretary Robert Gibbs even wears an SEIU bracelet.
Stern who is famous for spouting Karl Marx's infamous words, "workers of the world unite" is also fond of saying, "I prefer to use the power of persuasion but sometimes we have to use the persuasion of power."
Stern's SEIU has been linked to the fights that occurred during the town hall meetings last summer and have been picketing in front of bank executives houses. It appears that Mr. Stern is more fond of the "persuasion of power" to me.
Obama, Stern, and Soros want to fundamentally change America. What they really mean is they want to destroy the greatest country on earth and they are well on their way.
I truly believe they hate America. Obama treats our allies as if they are pariahs and bows to our enemies. He stands with and supports Mexican president Felipe Calderon in bashing America. That is not the action of a man that loves his country. No that is the action of a man that has nothing but disdain and contempt for his country.
President Obama is going on vacation rather than attending the Memorial Day tribute at Arlington National Cemetery.
What are you going to do for the 4th of July Mr. President?
See you in the trenches...
Todd Kinsey
Leading the conservative revolution...

Monday, May 24, 2010

Naked Socialists

Never before have I seen the left as emboldened as they are today. The Free Press is using the Communist Soviet Union national anthem to advertise their Summer Fest Concert in Houston, Texas.

Although it is widely known that Free Press founder Robert McChesney is an avowed socialist, he obviously sees no reason to hide it any longer. McChesney is also the former editor for the socialist magazine Monthly Review and is a professor at the University of Chicago.

McChesney also was technology consultant to President Obama during his campaign and reportedly was instrumental as setting his tech platform. Is there any surprise to find out that it is McChesney and his Free Press that are helping set the agenda with the FCC?

The Free Press has had three meetings thus far pushing for "net neutrality." That is why Obama and the FCC are moving to try and privatize the Internet by taking steps to make it a "utility." Can you say government run Internet? Of course this will lead to the government being able to regulate what you get to see on the Internet. Does that sound like free speech to you?

Call or email your representatives and tell them to stand against Obama and the FCC taking over the Internet.

See you in the trenches,

Todd Kinsey
Leading the Conservative Revolution

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Hypocrisy of Mexican President Felipe Calderon

On Thursday Mexican President Felipe Calderon spoke before Congress and received a standing ovation for his disparaging remarks regarding Arizona's immigration bill. Of course this was after he and President Obama took turns bashing Arizona for doing what our federal government won't do, protect America.

President Obama said, "I want everyone, American and Mexican, to know my administration is taking a very close look at the Arizona law. We're examining any implications especially for civil rights. Because in the United States of America, no law abiding person, be they an American citizen, a legal immigrant, or a visitor or tourist from Mexico should ever be subject to suspicion simply because of what they look like."

Obviously the President, like Eric Holder & Janet Napolitano, hasn't read the bill either because the bill is about illegal immigration Mr. President. How convenient that the left continues to confuse legal with illegal immigration.

Then Mexican President Felipe Calderon did an interview with Wolfe Blitzer on CNN. To paraphrase one of Wolfe's questions: Mr. President, so what would happen if a person from Guatemala entered Mexico illegally? President Calderon say, "we would send them back."

That's all Arizona and most Americans want our government to do President Calderon. The illegal immigrants from your country have been a drain on our economy for far too long and it's time for it to stop unless you plan to start paying for them.

In the wake of Arizona passing their immigration bill, ten other states: Texas, Colorado, Utah, Oklahoma, Idaho, South Carolina, Minnesota, North Carolina, Maryland, and Missouri are also considering similar legislation.

Despite the liberal media trying to paint Arizona as the exception the majority of Americans, 55%, support similar legislation in their states according to Rasmussen (much higher in the border states and in the south).

If Obama and the Democrats continue to dismiss the will of the American people, they will pay dearly at the ballot box in November.

See you in the trenches,


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Second Most Dangerous Man in America

The policies of Eric Holder make him the second most dangerous man in America. Holder has a long history of coddling terrorists and his recent comments regarding his desire to circumvent the Constitution by revoking the Miranda rights of US Citizens is quite disturbing.

When the Obama administration took over from President Bush, one of the first policies they implemented was to have our soldiers as well as CIA and FBI agents begin to read enemy combatants Miranda rights. "I witnessed it myself" said Representative Mike Rogers (R, Michigan) in an article by Fox News.

Holder has a long history of defending our enemies rather than defending Americans. When holder worked for the Clinton administration, he was instrumental in pardoning 16 FALN terrorists (Fuerzas Armadas de Liberacion Nacional). The FALN waged a bloody bombing campaign in the 70's and 80's that injured dozens and killed several people. Holder did this despite the protests of the FBI, federal prosecutors, and victims.

After entering private practice, Holder's law firm Covington & Burling secured the release of several Gitmo detainees by offering more than 3,000 hours of pro bono legal service. At least one of the detainees rejoined the war in Iraq and launched an attack as a suicide bomber killing 13 soldiers and wounding 42 more.

Holder can't or won't even admit that radical Islam exists (see video here). Why is that? Why is it that Holder and this administration want to give aid and comfort to our enemies?

When faced with this same situation in World War II, FDR swiftly executed 6 German saboteurs by utilizing military tribunals. Yet Holder and President Obama want to give the detainees at Gitmo civilian trials and treat war and terrorism as a law enforcement matter.

The trials will take years and cost the taxpayers millions of dollars. It will also will certainly lead to security threats and open America up to further terrorist attacks. What better way for an islamo-facist member of Al Qaeda to meet his maker than to bomb a US courthouse during one of these trials?

Despite the fact that we continue to afford our enemies the rights of an American citizen now Holder wants Congress to modify the rules. In the wake of the failed Christmas bombing by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, holder and the Obama administration now want to change the Miranda laws. Umar is a naturalized citizen originally from Pakistan but could have been classified as an enemy combatant under the same precedent that FDR used in WWII.

What's troubling about holders shift is that it appears that he wants this power for handling American citizens. If they are able to make this change, what would stop them from listing the Tea Party as a terrorist organization and then hold people indefinitely?

Couple this with comments made by Supreme Court Nominee Elana Kagan; "Whether a given category of speech enjoys first amendment protection depends upon a categorical balancing of the speech against it's societal costs."

So if the administration doesn't like what we have to say, then by Kagan's assertion, the government could ban that speech. If we persist with our speech, then they could arrest us and hold us indefinitely if Holder gets his way and is able to amend the current Miranda laws.

What next, will anyone that disagrees with the administration be sent for re-education?

See you in the trenches,

Obama's endorsement is kryptonite to voters

The anti incumbent sentiment continued on Tuesday as Pennsylvania voters gave Sentator Arlen Specter an early retirement. The president had endorsed Specter and Vice President Biden had been on the campaign trail with Specter in recent weeks. Specter's loss to Joe Sestak is also notable because Sestak didn't have the backing of either the state or national democratic parties and campaigned on a platform against health care reform and TARP bailouts.

In similar fashion, Rand Paul, son of Texas Representative and possible 2012 presidential candidate Ron Paul, defeated Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson. Grayson enjoyed the backing of retiring Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell as well as the state and national GOP.

In Arkansas, Senator Blanche Lincoln failed to get more than 50% of the vote and now faces a runoff for her senate seat with Arkansas Lt. Governor Bill Halter in three weeks. The winner will then face Republican John Boozman. Senator Lincoln also enjoyed President Obama's support but clearly the president's coat tails are all but nonexistent at this point.

It is almost a given that the tide of anti establishment sentiment will continue to grow through November as Obama, Pelosi, and Reid continue to push an agenda that the American people clearly do not want.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Obama says information is a distraction?

Last weekend, President Obama gave the commencement speech at Hampton University in Virginia. In that speech is the now infamous ipod quote, "You are coming of age in a 24-7 media environment that bombards us with all kinds of content and exposes us to to all kinds of arguments, some of which don't rank that high on the truth meter. And with iPods and iPads, X-boxes and Play Stations; none of which I know how to work. Information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than a means of emancipation." (video here)

The media tried to laugh this off as the president being funny and technology challenged. Since when is information a distraction? Information is POWER! And that is why the president and his minions in the liberal media have been in an all out assault on Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean, Hannity, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, and the Tea Party.

The president and the left understand the threat that Fox News, talk radio, and the Internet present to their hostile takeover of America.

The president has now created his own White House media that has been the only outlet to interview supreme court nominee, Elana Kagan. Why hasn't anyone else been able to interview her? So they can control the information and therefore the power. Where does that rate on the truth meter Mr. President?

We're beginning to see some dissension in the ranks. There have been a few in the liberal media who are beginning to question the new white house media. Why, because they aren't getting an opportunity to interview Kagan? More likely it's that they're being excluded from the inner circle and losing their power. But would they really ask the tough questions? Of course not; because they are nothing more than a propaganda tool for Obama... When he needs them.

What's even more troubling is that they are excluding the media even further as evidenced by the new White House Video Blog. Here you will find all kinds of video that the media has been excluded from. I thought this was going to be the most transparent administration in history?

More like opaque. The president and his administration have become quite adept at saying one thing while doing something else entirely. What will be interesting to watch is whether or not the media will start doing there job. I doubt it.

See you in the trenches,

Todd A. Kinsey
Leading the conservative revolution...

Friday, May 14, 2010

Save NASA Rally

Republican and Tea Party groups From Houston and Galveston will be holding a rally to save jobs at NASA. The rally will begin at 6:30 PM at the League City Sportsplex.

The rally is being held to protest a Democratic fundraising rally help under the auspices of saving jobs at NASA. The rally is sponsored by the AFL-CIO Union and Speakers will include Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Congressman Gene Green, and will be hosted by Jim Yarbrough.

Republicans and Tea Party members are upset that the democrats taking advantage of an issue of vital importance to the Houston - Galveston Bay Area. The feeling is that it is the Obama administration that has made sweeping cuts to the space program and are now trying to pin this on the past administration.

Apollo 17 commander, Eugene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon, told lawmakers Wednesday the Obama administration's plan to shift near term space flight to private industry could result in a 10 year gap between the end of the shuttle program and the debut of reliable rockets.

NASA faced similar circumstances when Bill Clinton slashed the budget which forced mass layoffs during the 90's. Since NASA isn't a social program, Democrats seem to have little use for this program with the exception of pushing the global warming myth.

Leaders from the GOP and the Tea Party urged people to be respectful and to be aware that many media outlets are likely to be in attendance.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I'm Back

For those that don't know, I spent nearly a week in the hospital and a few additional recovery days at home after having surgery to repair a broken back (my second one). My other hobby aside from politics is cycling and suffice it to say that I won't be racing again for a while. Thankfully I have such a great family who is taking care of me: My beautiful wife, my mom and mother-in-law came to town, and of course my boys.

I'm also glad that we still have our current health care system because I would have likely had to wait 6 months to year to get this type of surgery, not to mention that I was able to select one of the top spinal surgeons in the world to perform both surgeries.

I'm finally lucid enough to catch up with what's happened the last couple of weeks. From what I can tell, not much; oil continues to poor into the Gulf of Mexico and the Democrats are still trying to fly us straight into the mountain of socialism.

After seeing that public sentiment is with Arizona despite the propagandist media tyring to make the sheeple think to the contrary, the democrats have decided to shelve immigration reform. Our illustrious regime has re-branded Cap & Trade for the third time and it's now called The American Power Act.

The fact of the matter is that if this bill does pass, it will likely be the final nail in the coffin of our economy. The bill will drive what's left of American manufacturing off shore because of incredibly high Carbon Taxes.

Of course this will create more unemployment despite them hyping these so called green jobs. In Europe, where these measures have already been implemented, unemployment has soared. In fact, many of the EU countries are repealing these measures because they have been such a detriment to their economies.

The other kicker in this is that it is now widely disputed that global warming is happening. The data has been manipulated and lied about to promote this hoax. Of course the global left continues to stick to the big lie thinking that if they repeat it often enough the people will believe them.

The face of the global warming movement, Al Gore won't even take questions any more and has banned media from attending his speeches. Why is this? It's because just like his movie it's all being disproved. Gore, who had the audacity to stand on a stage and say, about George Bush, "He betrayed this country! He played on our fears!"

Al, the person betraying his country is you. Al Gore is also tied to Maurice Strong who said, "what if a group of these world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the earth comes from rich countries? In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring this about?"

So who is Maurice Strong? Aside from being tied to Al Gore, he's also linked to the Clinton's, been Secretary General of The United Nations (who always has America's best interests at heart), The World Bank, and the author of the Kyoto Protocol just to name a few.

The revolution has begun and we must be prepared for the fight.

See you in the trenches,