Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Second Most Dangerous Man in America

The policies of Eric Holder make him the second most dangerous man in America. Holder has a long history of coddling terrorists and his recent comments regarding his desire to circumvent the Constitution by revoking the Miranda rights of US Citizens is quite disturbing.

When the Obama administration took over from President Bush, one of the first policies they implemented was to have our soldiers as well as CIA and FBI agents begin to read enemy combatants Miranda rights. "I witnessed it myself" said Representative Mike Rogers (R, Michigan) in an article by Fox News.

Holder has a long history of defending our enemies rather than defending Americans. When holder worked for the Clinton administration, he was instrumental in pardoning 16 FALN terrorists (Fuerzas Armadas de Liberacion Nacional). The FALN waged a bloody bombing campaign in the 70's and 80's that injured dozens and killed several people. Holder did this despite the protests of the FBI, federal prosecutors, and victims.

After entering private practice, Holder's law firm Covington & Burling secured the release of several Gitmo detainees by offering more than 3,000 hours of pro bono legal service. At least one of the detainees rejoined the war in Iraq and launched an attack as a suicide bomber killing 13 soldiers and wounding 42 more.

Holder can't or won't even admit that radical Islam exists (see video here). Why is that? Why is it that Holder and this administration want to give aid and comfort to our enemies?

When faced with this same situation in World War II, FDR swiftly executed 6 German saboteurs by utilizing military tribunals. Yet Holder and President Obama want to give the detainees at Gitmo civilian trials and treat war and terrorism as a law enforcement matter.

The trials will take years and cost the taxpayers millions of dollars. It will also will certainly lead to security threats and open America up to further terrorist attacks. What better way for an islamo-facist member of Al Qaeda to meet his maker than to bomb a US courthouse during one of these trials?

Despite the fact that we continue to afford our enemies the rights of an American citizen now Holder wants Congress to modify the rules. In the wake of the failed Christmas bombing by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, holder and the Obama administration now want to change the Miranda laws. Umar is a naturalized citizen originally from Pakistan but could have been classified as an enemy combatant under the same precedent that FDR used in WWII.

What's troubling about holders shift is that it appears that he wants this power for handling American citizens. If they are able to make this change, what would stop them from listing the Tea Party as a terrorist organization and then hold people indefinitely?

Couple this with comments made by Supreme Court Nominee Elana Kagan; "Whether a given category of speech enjoys first amendment protection depends upon a categorical balancing of the speech against it's societal costs."

So if the administration doesn't like what we have to say, then by Kagan's assertion, the government could ban that speech. If we persist with our speech, then they could arrest us and hold us indefinitely if Holder gets his way and is able to amend the current Miranda laws.

What next, will anyone that disagrees with the administration be sent for re-education?

See you in the trenches,

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