Sunday, July 27, 2008

Back In The Saddle Again

You don't realize what you've got until it's gone. I have been fighting a series of injury problems since being hit by a car and breaking my back. Of course I had surgery to repair the damage and now have 8 screws and 2 steel rods supporting my lower back.

After rehabilitating from my surgery, I thought I had made it all the way back, only to find out 2 of the screws in my back are stripped. Subsequently, there won't be any more racing in my future but I can still ride for fitness.

After 10 weeks off the bike letting my back heal, I've logged three good weeks of training.
  • Week 1 - 50.2 miles / 2.88 hours of training
  • Week 2 - 114.9 miles / 6.7 hours of training
  • Week 3 - 158.2 miles / 8.8 hours of training

Now I'm looking forward to a rest week even though I am feeling very strong. The only problem that I'm suffering from is a sore tushy from such a long lay off. I think the hardest part of cycling is getting your self toughened up to spend long hours in the saddle. I am amazed at how the pros spend so much time on their bikes.

Fortunately, God has given me a third chance to ride and pursue my passion. Now I need to just enjoy the ride and all the benefits that come from living a healthy lifestyle.

Hammer On!


1 comment:

Emily said...

Like your blog, Todd! I totally agree with you on the socialism issue but I am commenting on the back thing. I don't know if you remember but I was in a bad car accident in high school - it flipped 3 times and I fractured 3 vertebrae and my collar bone. I didn't need surgery (the gift of being young) but I can tell you when the weather will change - when it will get cold and when it will rain. :-) I wish you a speedy recovery but sounds like you're doing the best you can. Sometimes I think these things teach us to slow down and enjoy the things we can.

Take care!