Thursday, May 27, 2010

Congress set to vote on another stimulus bill

Congress has it's sights set on passing yet another stimulus bill this week. This one has been branded as "The American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010" and has a price tag of $174 Billion for the American tax payer.

Never mind that the first stimulus bill did little or no good and that we are repeating the same mistakes of FDR's administration.

FDR's treasury secretary and architect of the "New Deal" Henry Morganthau stated, "I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started and enormous debt to boot."

Sound familiar? Of course it does because President Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi are using the same failed policies. Never mind that this new bill violates the Paygo law that congress passed earlier this year but it also adds another $134 billion to the deficit.

Our national debt has increased to more than $13 trillion which is $118,018.00 per taxpayer. Let's keep in mind only 52% actually pay taxes to support all the benefactors of these stimulus bills.

Couple this with the Financial Reform Bill that Barny Frank and soon to be ousted senator Chris Dodd are about to unveil and our government will control more than 60% of the American economy. Does that sound like America?

In less than two years the socialists will have fundamentally destroyed our country. Remember this in November.

See you in the trenches...

Todd Kinsey
Leading the conservative revolution

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