Monday, May 24, 2010

Naked Socialists

Never before have I seen the left as emboldened as they are today. The Free Press is using the Communist Soviet Union national anthem to advertise their Summer Fest Concert in Houston, Texas.

Although it is widely known that Free Press founder Robert McChesney is an avowed socialist, he obviously sees no reason to hide it any longer. McChesney is also the former editor for the socialist magazine Monthly Review and is a professor at the University of Chicago.

McChesney also was technology consultant to President Obama during his campaign and reportedly was instrumental as setting his tech platform. Is there any surprise to find out that it is McChesney and his Free Press that are helping set the agenda with the FCC?

The Free Press has had three meetings thus far pushing for "net neutrality." That is why Obama and the FCC are moving to try and privatize the Internet by taking steps to make it a "utility." Can you say government run Internet? Of course this will lead to the government being able to regulate what you get to see on the Internet. Does that sound like free speech to you?

Call or email your representatives and tell them to stand against Obama and the FCC taking over the Internet.

See you in the trenches,

Todd Kinsey
Leading the Conservative Revolution

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