Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Obama's endorsement is kryptonite to voters

The anti incumbent sentiment continued on Tuesday as Pennsylvania voters gave Sentator Arlen Specter an early retirement. The president had endorsed Specter and Vice President Biden had been on the campaign trail with Specter in recent weeks. Specter's loss to Joe Sestak is also notable because Sestak didn't have the backing of either the state or national democratic parties and campaigned on a platform against health care reform and TARP bailouts.

In similar fashion, Rand Paul, son of Texas Representative and possible 2012 presidential candidate Ron Paul, defeated Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson. Grayson enjoyed the backing of retiring Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell as well as the state and national GOP.

In Arkansas, Senator Blanche Lincoln failed to get more than 50% of the vote and now faces a runoff for her senate seat with Arkansas Lt. Governor Bill Halter in three weeks. The winner will then face Republican John Boozman. Senator Lincoln also enjoyed President Obama's support but clearly the president's coat tails are all but nonexistent at this point.

It is almost a given that the tide of anti establishment sentiment will continue to grow through November as Obama, Pelosi, and Reid continue to push an agenda that the American people clearly do not want.

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