In the wake of the failed Times Square bombing, a report by CNN sites a memo recently released by the Department of Homeland Security that says "the number and pace of attempted attacks against the United States over the past nine months have surpassed the number of attempts during any other previous one-year period."
Fortunately the attacks have all failed but what's disconcerting is the fact that since the election of President Obama, the terrorists feel emboldened enough to carry out these attacks.
His administration won't even admit that radical Islam exists so how can we expect them to take these threats seriously. Recently Eric Holder while being questioned by the House Judiciary Committee refused to even say the words, radical Islam. (see video 4)
The report goes on to say "we have to operate under the premise that other operatives are in country and could advance plotting with little or no warning." Even more troubling is the statement "US Officials lack insights in specific details, timing, and intended targets but trends indicate that terrorists are looking for smaller, more achievable attacks against easily accessible targets."
That's scary stuff. If a terrorist can plant a car bomb in Times Square; is it crazy to think that they can bomb your local shopping mall?
What happened to the great unifier? I thought the seas were supposed to part, everyone would love America, and sing kumbaya once Obama was elected.
Now we're faced with a record number of terrorist attempts and what is the administration doing? As far as I can tell they're repeating the same failed policy that President Clinton tried and that is to treat terrorism as a law enforcement matter. Well I have news for you Mr. President, these people hate America with a blinding passion and could care less about you extending them an olive branch.
They only thing terrorists recognize is power. Whether you liked George Bush or not, the one thing he did is keep the country safe. After 9/11 there were no more attempted attacks on America because President Bush wielded the one thing terrorists understand and fear: POWER.
So we have unprecedented attacks on America, North Korea sinks a South Korean ship, and is on the verge of War. Obama along with the impotent United Nations impose sanctions on Iran and all Ahmadinejad and the Mullah's do is laugh and continue with their nuclear program creating further instability in the most volatile region in the world.
The problem with liberalism is that it's easy to say your going to usher in a new era of diplomacy. It's easy to say you're going to bring peace. It's easy to say that your going to sit down with your enemies and negotiate. The fact of the matter is that our enemies could care less about hollow words. They recognize them for what they are; WEAKNESS.
The bottom line is that our government is supposed to provide for the common defense of its citizens and the Obama administration is failing on all fronts. Our current foreign policy has proven to be completely ineffective. We've had three domestic attacks by radical Muslims on our own soil and the administration won't even acknowledge the problem. Illegals continue to poor across both our borders and all this administration will do is placate the Mexican government and pay lip service to the problem. It is scary to think what will happen if one of the hot spots does turn into a fire.
Remember in November and we'll see you in the trenches...
Todd Kinsey
Leading the conservative revolution
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