Thursday, May 13, 2010

I'm Back

For those that don't know, I spent nearly a week in the hospital and a few additional recovery days at home after having surgery to repair a broken back (my second one). My other hobby aside from politics is cycling and suffice it to say that I won't be racing again for a while. Thankfully I have such a great family who is taking care of me: My beautiful wife, my mom and mother-in-law came to town, and of course my boys.

I'm also glad that we still have our current health care system because I would have likely had to wait 6 months to year to get this type of surgery, not to mention that I was able to select one of the top spinal surgeons in the world to perform both surgeries.

I'm finally lucid enough to catch up with what's happened the last couple of weeks. From what I can tell, not much; oil continues to poor into the Gulf of Mexico and the Democrats are still trying to fly us straight into the mountain of socialism.

After seeing that public sentiment is with Arizona despite the propagandist media tyring to make the sheeple think to the contrary, the democrats have decided to shelve immigration reform. Our illustrious regime has re-branded Cap & Trade for the third time and it's now called The American Power Act.

The fact of the matter is that if this bill does pass, it will likely be the final nail in the coffin of our economy. The bill will drive what's left of American manufacturing off shore because of incredibly high Carbon Taxes.

Of course this will create more unemployment despite them hyping these so called green jobs. In Europe, where these measures have already been implemented, unemployment has soared. In fact, many of the EU countries are repealing these measures because they have been such a detriment to their economies.

The other kicker in this is that it is now widely disputed that global warming is happening. The data has been manipulated and lied about to promote this hoax. Of course the global left continues to stick to the big lie thinking that if they repeat it often enough the people will believe them.

The face of the global warming movement, Al Gore won't even take questions any more and has banned media from attending his speeches. Why is this? It's because just like his movie it's all being disproved. Gore, who had the audacity to stand on a stage and say, about George Bush, "He betrayed this country! He played on our fears!"

Al, the person betraying his country is you. Al Gore is also tied to Maurice Strong who said, "what if a group of these world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the earth comes from rich countries? In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring this about?"

So who is Maurice Strong? Aside from being tied to Al Gore, he's also linked to the Clinton's, been Secretary General of The United Nations (who always has America's best interests at heart), The World Bank, and the author of the Kyoto Protocol just to name a few.

The revolution has begun and we must be prepared for the fight.

See you in the trenches,

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